Oritain win 'Best New Product/Service' at the SOFHT Awards 2018.
19 November 2018

In recognition of our recent partnership with Hybu Cig Cymru - Meat Promotion Wales, Oritain won 'Best New Product/Service' at the SOFHT Awards 2018, celebrating the work we do to verify one of the premier lamb brands in the world.
Oritain have partnered with HCC to deliver the ultimate in farm-to-fork traceability for PGI Welsh Lamb.
Lamb must be born and reared in Wales, and slaughtered and processed in a PGI-approved facility if it is to carry the respected PGI Welsh Lamb label. Oritain's new testing method uses forensic level science to underpin this traceability, which is the first initiative of its kind for a PGI product.
Oritain's technology analyses trace elements and isotopes, which animals absorb from their natural environment and the grass and the water that they consume, to establish a distinctive Welsh 'fingerprint of origin'.