soil testing

Oritain Science


Our science gets to
the truth of the matter.

Unlike traditional traceability methods, Oritain’s forensic science tests the product or raw material itself to pinpoint the location of origin – to prove where a product comes from and whether it’s sourced authentically and responsibly.

Science can tell you the true origin of a product. Plants and animals are creatures of their environment and what they eat or drink is absorbed into their flesh, leaving natural concentrations of trace elements and isotopes. This is what we measure.

Our Science

Proof of origin lies in nature

Every part of the environment is made up of different levels of chemical elements and isotopes, which give products a unique and inherent chemical fingerprint based on their origin.

Our forensic science tests the product or raw material itself to verify whether a product is sourced authentically and responsibly.

Sustainability & Traceability
Cotton Field Ready For Harvest Golden Sunset

Mapping global cotton production

Oritain science has mapped over 95% of the world's cotton producing countries, providing an unparalleled view of global cotton production.

The reference pool of cotton producing countries is defined as the countries which account for 1% or more of the global production, as outlined by the United States Department of Agriculture's Foreign Agricultural Service for Global Cotton Statistics (2023 Harvests, updated April 2024 - Cotton Explorer (

Cotton & Fashion
Oritain How It Words Circular Process
Robot product

The origins of our science

Our science originated in the criminal forensic fields. Developed to determine drug provenance and solve homicide investigations, the robustness of the science is well proven.

It is peer reviewed and subject to the scrutiny that comes with journal publications – so there is no tolerance for errors and inaccuracy. We have taken this same science and used it to trace the origin of products.

About Us

How do we prove where food products from?

Forensic science verification of origin providing traceability in supply chains

Forensic science verification of origin providing traceability in supply chains

Oritain Trustmark

Results are reported to the customer. Certification and marketing opportunities can be leveraged for consumers.

Oritain vs Traditional Fibre InfoGraphs Ver

Oritain measures the natural intrinsic properties of a product to verify its origin. Once we have created an Origin Fingerprint, it can never be tampered with, replicated or destroyed, and will be used to audit products at different points in the supply chain.

Traditional traceability requires the product to have some form of paper / label-based traceability systems. The accuracy of information is only as good as what’s claimed on the label. If these are removed or tampered with as the product moves through the supply chain, traceability is lost.

Origin verification
for every industry.

Discover how origin verification can empower businesses, people and society.