An Oceania study published in 2012 found that 33% of 1,215 samples of fish were mislabeled.
There have been numerous other examples of food fraud involving fish. Some people get caught, but many likely do not. Businesses spend many years and thousands of dollars building a reputable brand, and it can so easily be stolen.

The provenance stories of aquaculture products enrich brand stories for consumers. With Oritain our science can determine the origin of farmed aquaculture products and add real credibility to provenance claims.
Our science works across multiple farmed species including salmon, oysters and mussels.
If your reputation is important to you, protect it with Oritain. Call or Email Us today to find out how we can help you.

Providing truth
Protecting reputations.
Embedding strong sustainability practices represents a huge opportunity for the private sector, as it helps create long-term value for their business. Companies able to prove the authenticity and quality of their products will gain a competitive advantage, ensuring long-term business by preserving the environment, mitigating product risks, lowering risks for investors, directors and officers, showing progression and innovation, enhancing their brand and communications, and demonstrating to clients and civil society that they adhere to ethical standards.
Our commitment.
We are committed to partnering with stakeholders operating in a wide range of industry sectors, to help ensure that sustainable and ethical labour practices are carried out along supply chains. This has a powerful impact on the development of sustainable practices, the strengthening of labour standards and the improvement of the livelihoods of millions of people around the world.
country of origin
farm of origin