Oritain Brings Expertise in Scientific Traceability to American Televisions
8 December 2023

Oritain, the world-leading innovative forensic sciences company headquartered in Dunedin, New Zealand, is to feature in December 2023 on US television series “Viewpoint with Dennis Quaid”. This award-winning program provides documentary content on a range of contemporary topics to educate, inform and inspire audiences on public television networks across North America. The segment will be distributed to 100 US markets across 170 PBS television stations that reach an audience of 60 million viewers.
Viewpoint Project with Dennis Quaid specializes in short-form Public Television stories featuring leading experts and organizations whose work is contributing to societal improvement.
The Oritain episode explores why traceability is so important today, how it combats greenwashing, supports environmental sustainability and ethical business practices, and drives value for companies and investors.
Oritain was approached to be involved in the Viewpoint series due to its pioneering work in the use of forensic science for tracing product origin. Oritain leadership and scientific teams were interviewed to share the story behind growing the company from academia in New Zealand to a global leader in traceability technology.
Oritain experts Grant Cochrane, Oritain CEO, Prof. Russell Frew, Chief Scientist, Dr. Sam Lind, Head of Strategic Sales, Rupert Hodges, Chief Commercial Officer, Dr. Devonia Crummer, Product Delivery Lead, and Dr. Kate Jones, Senior Science Advisor, take viewers through the journey of why traceability is so important today, how it supports environmental sustainability and ethical business practices, and what value it's driving for Oritain's customers.
Oritain customers Country Road, Sanford’s Big Glory Bay Salmon and Pyramid Valley Wines feature in the episode, demonstrating the methodology used by Oritain to prove the origin of their merino, salmon and wine respectively. Dr Kate Jones of Oritain confirms that, “Country Road supply chains are tested as raw wool, yarn, fabric and finished garments. So customers have 100% confidence this is 100% authentic and from Australia.”
Viewpoint shows how Oritain’s approach is combating greenwashing and revolutionising the way we combat supply chain fraud. Cochrane says, “the reason we exist is to help companies put integrity into the supply chain. We help protect consumers so they get what they think they’re buying.”
Prof Russell Frew explains the Oritain process and effect, “The environment imparts a fingerprint on products. We read that code and can infer from our mapping data where that product originated from.
“Oritain is a company that does make a difference. We can bring some certainty and verification to many claims, making sure brands are complying with the rules and doing as they say.”
Oritain on Viewpoint with Dennis Quaid launches on 1 December 2023 in the USA.