Protecting product integrity in global fashion retail
SHEIN is a leading global online fashion and lifestyle retailer. With offices across the globe, reaching customers in more than 150 countries, SHEIN sought a traceability solution to help protect the integrity of their cotton products and supply chain.
In Oritain's scientific traceability, they found the solution.

Innovation & ambition in cotton supply chains
Headquartered in Singapore and operating key centers in the United States, Brazil, and Ireland, SHEIN is at the forefront of fashion online retailing.
Through on-demand manufacturing technology that connects suppliers to an agile supply chain, SHEIN delivers a variety of affordable fashion products to customers in more than 150 countries worldwide.
As part of their social and sustainability commitments, and to provide confidence for both customers and regulators, the company wanted to prove the origin and integrity of their products.

Scientific testing builds compliance & assurance
Since 2022, SHEIN has partnered with Oritain on a scientific testing program to ensure transparency and traceability among third-party suppliers across its cotton supply chain.
Using random selection, and collection of materials by an independent third party, Oritain's rigorous testing methodology delivers the highest levels of process transparency and reliability of results.

Expanding SHEIN’s commitment
In 2024, SHEIN announced an expansion of its engagement with Oritain, reinforcing SHEIN’s continued focus on ensuring the highest levels of compliance from manufacturing to sale.
As a verified brand partner, this first of its kind program with Oritain commits to a five-year program that will see significantly expanded testing across its cotton supply chain, with third-party collection from all cotton suppliers (yarn, fabric and finished materials) in addition to SHEIN Marketplace items.
The program is designed to verify that SHEIN’s products align to its Cotton Sourcing Policy. Oritain does this by scientifically testing that the materials from SHEIN’s supply chain have been manufactured using cotton fibre that adhere to this Cotton Sourcing Policy.

Traceability like no other
Oritain’s unique methodology applies forensic science and data to detect naturally occurring elements in a product or raw material. Soil composition, climate, altitude and other environmental factors all reveal the details of a product’s origin - which we call an Origin Fingerprint.
Once we’ve created an Origin Fingerprint, it can be used to audit our clients’ products to clearly differentiate the legitimate from the fraudulent.